Who is eligible for NDIS plan management?

A crowd of people

There’s a common misconception that plan management is only available for some participants or that it’s something you have to pay for. The truth is that almost everyone on the NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme) is eligible for plan management at no additional cost as part of their plan!

While most NDIS participants are eligible for plan management, there are however some requirements to qualify for NDIS support.

What do you need to qualify for the NDIS?

The NDIA (National Disability Insurance Agency) is responsible for determining who is and isn’t eligible for NDIS support. In order to become an NDIS participant and gain this support, there are a number of criteria you’ll have to meet. The general eligibility requirements include:

  • You must be under 65 years old
  • You must live in Australia and be an Australian citizen (or hold relevant visas)
  • Your disability must be permanent and significant
  • Your disability must impact your daily life, requiring support and/or assistance

For more information and specific clarification around these requirements please see the NDIS website for eligibility.

Do you need a diagnosis for the NDIS?

To determine whether you meet the requirements for disability support or early intervention access, you may need to provide evidence of your disability. This can include specific information about what your disability is, how long it will last and the ways in which it impacts your life.

What kind of evidence can you provide?

Providing the right kind of evidence of disability can help the NDIA make their decision about whether or not you are eligible for the NDIS. Your evidence should:

  • Be recent and completed by a treating health professional who is relevant to your primary disability
  • Confirm your primary disability
  • Confirm the impacts of your disability on the different areas of your life
  • Describe previous treatments and outcomes
  • Describe future treatment options and the expected outcomes of those treatments.

Who can provide evidence of your disability?

If you’re unsure of how to provide evidence, you can work with your treating health professionals to provide your evidence of disability. Some examples of common treating health professionals include:

  • General Practitioner (GP)
  • Paediatrician
  • Orthopaedic surgeon
  • Occupational Therapist
  • Speech Pathologist
  • Neurologist
  • Psychologist
  • Psychiatrist
  • Physiotherapist

When selecting a treating health professional to provide evidence, it’s important to consider who is the most appropriate person in relation to your primary disability. Their speciality should be directly related to your disability, and they should have treated you for a significant period of time. In most cases, this will be six months or more.

The types of disability evidence guide can help you decide which treating health professional is the most appropriate person to provide evidence for you.

Are you eligible for NDIS plan management?

The good news is, plan management is a free service for most NDIS participants! It is fully-funded by the NDIS, meaning there are no out of pocket costs for you or your network.

How to request a plan manager

If your plan is not currently plan managed, you can contact the NDIA and request that funding for a plan manager be added to your plan. The NDIS will include funding in your plan to pay for your plan manager. This is separate from your other services and supports in your budget.

If you are mid-plan and want to change, you can contact the NDIS or speak with us directly about options for plan management.

About Orange Plan Management

Orange Plan Management is a dedicated plan management business, providing independent plan management services to NDIS participants. When you work with us, we take care of the time consuming parts of managing your plan. Our focus on efficiency and our decades of combined experience mean that you’re ensured a fast turn around and a stress-free experience for you and your support network.